Hive Events

Opportunities to connect and learn with others

What events we host

Hive selects and prioritizes community events that are aligned with our strategic objectives, theory of change, and commitment to quality. We focus our efforts on opportunities that have the potential to deliver high value to farmed animal advocates. These may include virtual events to reach a global audience and select in-person events to strategically bring people together.

Additionally, we support other organizations who host events by providing a platform to reach advocates: our Hive Slack. We built a Slack bot that posts upcoming events to relevant channels.

Upcoming events

View upcoming community events and RSVP on Luma to attend.

Watch past events recordings

View past events on the Hive YouTube channel.

Collaborate with us

Hive partners with different organizations, such as The Mission Motor, Welfare Footprint Project, and local groups, to co-host events and spread impactful learning and networking opportunities for farmed animal advocates. If you have an idea for an event that you think is a good fit for our community, we’d love to hear from you! Please note: We have limited capacity to collaborate with new partners. Our team promises to evaluate every request we receive.